I had an excellent experience with this seller. My husband & I both won lots from one of their auctions. They graciously combined our winning lots into 1 shipment, and saved us money in postage fees. The seller was also kind enough to notify me that one of the lots I won would cost more in shipping than it was worth due to the large number of items it contained. She allowed me to choose the items I most wanted, and left out the rest so as to not charge me outrageous shipping fees. Once our communication was settled, the seller charged my Card on file with auction ninja for the shipping and sent off our winning items quickly. When we received our shipment, the packaging was done so meticulously. Everything we received exceeded our expectations. Great care was taken to individually wrap each item in it's own container. For instance, each piece of jewelry had it's own tiny box or bag. Nothing was rubbing together or touching anything else. Truly the best experience we have had purchasing from auction ninja's site. From the items won, to the communication with the seller, to the ease of receiving our shipment, to the care of packing our items. Everything was A+
We Move Your Mom was amazing and so professional! I will definitely be bidding with them again in the future.
Very organized and everything was wrapped up carefully.... so nice!!! Easy, efficient pick up. Great job and thank you!
Super easy, organized pick up with very nice helpful people. There aren't a lot like that out there so this was so appreciated. Will definitely participate in your auctions again.
Very efficient pickup! The team was extremely friendly and helpful, as well as kind and courteous to each other. Two people made sure they told me thank you for buying from them, they made my day happy by just being themselves.