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  • Monday March 24 French History & Culture: Miniature Portrait of Louis XVI, Cannes Film Festival Photography, Rare Books, Mucha Poster, and Historic Ephemera
Mon, Mar 24, 2025 at 8:00 PM EDT

Monday March 24 French History & Culture: Miniature Portrait of Louis XVI, Cannes Film Festival Photography, Rare Books, Mucha Poster, and Historic Ephemera

General Property Online Tag Sale
Auction Location:
Waterbury, Connecticut
Waterbury Auction Gallery
  • AN5
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Begins to close in
12d 8h 3m
AN Shipping Available

Waterbury Auction Gallery
1691 Thomaston Ave, Waterbury Connecticut 06704

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By Appointment Only

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  • Pickups By Appointment Only Please call 203-437-8040 Tues - Fri. 12:00PM - 4:30PM & Sat 12:00PM - 4:00PM to schedule an appointment. WE ARE CLOSED FOR APPOINTMENTS ON SUN, MON & TUES.

  • Pickup Policy ...view moreWinning bidders will have 30 days from the date of the auction end to schedule an appointment to pickup their items. We need at least 24 hours from the day you call to pull your items. We can not pull items the same day you call.
    If you show up without an appointment you will be turned away.
  • Lots Not Picked Up During The 30 Day grace period will incur a $5 A Day storage Fee Per Lot . After 14 Days Items will be forfeited without refund..... If you miss your scheduled appointment time , your items will be considered abandoned and will be disposed of...
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    First time buyer will have to provide ID at the time of pick up.

  • Pickup Location :1691 Thomaston Ave Waterbury Ct. 06704
  • Payments : Winning Items must be paid within 48 hours of auction ending.

  • Preview : Please thoroughly review all photos for condition prior to placing a bid. Once a bid is submitted we do not have the ability to remove a bid.
    Shipping is available and will be handled by the consigner as a courtesy for this auction only. Items from other auctions can not be combined.

    Please text the shipping department at (860) 309-5249 if you like your items shipped. Please understand that we only offer DOMESTIC shipping and ONLY for auctions we are responsible for. We cannot ship for other sellers on this portal. There will be a $5 Packing fee for first lot and $2 per additional lot plus cost of shipping. A PAYPAL invoice will be sent to anyone requesting shipping, so please provide an email address, or PayPal name when requesting.
    Thank you.
    PLEASE DO NOT USE THE SHIPPING NUMBER TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT FOR PICKUP , the in person pickup number is (203)-437-8040 .

  • Auction Manager

    JOHN BALE BOOKS (denis) | (860) 542-5813 | jbalebooks@waterburyliquidators.com

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