About the Sale
Fine art
Oil Paintings
Fine Artists
Original Works And Prints
Chinese antiques
Porcelains, China
Listed Artist Paintings
Home Decor
New Year Gift Ideas
New Year Resolutions
Special Instructions
SHIPPING AVAILABLE. All items are shippable unless they require freight services. Please email or message if you require shipping before the pick up date.
Unless stated otherwise, all items listed in this sale are not tested. ...view more
Friday, 01/06, 12pm to 5pm
Saturday, 01/07, 12pm to 5pm
no exceptions - items not picked up in the allotted time will be forfeited without refund. shipping is available when requested before the pick-up day, otherwise it will still be considered forfeit (if shipping is requested, we can only hold the item for you for 1 week. if the shipping is not paid after one week, item will be forfeited without refund). If you request to pick it up on later days, we will hold the item for you for 30 days after the pick-up day. If winner sends an agent for pick-up, agent must provide copy of invoice for identification.
▪ All buyers must agree to our terms and condition, and have fully read the description/special instructions before bidding.
▪ ID will be required for pick up if an item is over 1,000 USD of hammer price.
▪ Winning bidders MUST bring help if required for large / heavy items & proper packaging materials for your winning bids.
▪ You are responsible for bringing your own packing and moving materials; as well as appropriate vehicles, tie downs and man power. We do not supply packing materials or tools. Labor may or may not be available to help you carry your items, so please plan accordingly.
All sales are final and all items are SOLD AS IS. Time Auction makes no warranties or representations of any kind with respect to any Lot. Time Auction makes no warranties or representation on any materials, conditions, or anything that was not listed in the description. All condition and material description are served as a guide with our best effort but shall NOT be treated as a guarantee. All artists' names and dates recorded in this catalog are not to be taken as qualified attributions to the artists named. No attributions to any artist or date are made or intended as to authorship or date of execution. Therefore, none of the property in this catalog is subject to any guarantee of authenticity and all the property is sold as is. Bidders are strongly encouraged to ask any questions prior to bidding. Please refer to all of the photos, as they are part of the description. Time Auction will do its best to list any damage, repairs or restorations; the absence of these descriptions or conditions must not be taken to imply that the lot is in perfect condition. Most of the items are antique, vintage or used. You should expect signs of wear consistent with age. No returns, credits or exchanges.