About the Sale
An auction filled with many great items! Including: A Mid-Century Listed Artist Painting, Red Jade Chinese Dragon Statues, An Antique Cloisonne Bowl, A Trench Art Horse, Vintage Toys, Antique & New Books, Glass Art, Some Vinyl, ...view moreDepression Glass, Vintage Collectibles, Hotwheels & Matchbox Cars and much more.
Special Instructions
Local Pickup, Shipping is available on most items, any difficult/delicate items will be brought to the UPS store for a $10 handling fee IN ADDITION to the shipping cost & email is required. Please read the ...view moreshipping policy below.
Pick up location: Seems Like Yesterday - Cheshire, CT. 910 South Main Street
(directly on Rte 10)
Easy pickup at Seems Like Yesterday, a fun retail shop located right in between two great restaurants! If items are not accounted for by the day of auction pickup, they are considered FORFEITED.
SHIPPING POLICY: Most items can be shipped, (ALWAYS CHECK)! All arrangements and payments must be made on the day of pickup. Customer is responsible for contacting us if another day is needed. We will pack and box easy and small items and ship USPS for a flat 10.00 handling fee PLUS the shipping cost payable to our PAY PAL ACCOUNT. Items can be combined in one box as long as they are able to fit. If items are complicated or delicate we will drive as many items that you get for the same flat 10.00 handling fee to UPS STORE in Wallingford CT and they will be in touch with you about further payment information. **IF SHIPPING IS NOT PAID FOR BY SUNDAY, YOUR ITEMS WILL BE FORFEITED**