This auction offers a wide variety of items such as MCM Art, Home Decor, Tableware, Furniture & Event Decorating Business Liquidation Decoration items. Almost all items are Used or Vintage.
Special Instructions
Milford, CT - Local Pick Up.
Pick Up Date: Sunday, Mar, 10th from 10am to 12pm.
Items not picked up within this timeframe are considered forfeited without refund.
Full pickup address will be provided via email to ...view morewinning bidders.
Please bring proper vehicle, wrapping and boxes for your items, and assistance to remove heavy items.
Large/ heavy item purchases: YOU MUST bring the help, tools, or whatever will be needed to remove and load your items. We will not be able to assist in moving, dismantling and loading of Large items.
Small items can be shipped. Please check the mailing address on your file before bidding. We will ship your items in 2 business days after the auction ends. Shipping cost will be charged to your card. We will ship the items in the cheapest way.
Thank you and good luck!
Auction Manager
Maria Relitska | (475) 455-2357 |