Special Instructions
Please read this long, somewhat funny and very informative instructional course... no no.. its just special instructions...
IF YOU ARE PICKING UP YOUR WINNINGS FOR KODI’S KORNER OR LACEY’S PLACE, YOU MUST CALL OR TEXT ...view moreUS 860-917-3276 or LANDLINE (860) 537-3808 DURING OUR BUSINESS HOURS TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT. (Text 860-917-3276 anytime). You can call between 10a.m. & 5:00pm. If you email us please do so through the auction ninja messaging format. Chances are slim we will see a message sent directly to our email address.. please use AU to correspond or call / text. We will get back with you to set a time. CALL!! its so much more personal! (we never answer).
Please contact us within 24-48 hours after close of auction to set a time and date to pick up your items. If reaching us is difficult, be patient, we are in a basement or attic collecting the next treasures for auction! (or maybe it’s just an early drinking day… isn’t every day?) AGAIN: Text or leave a message. Call our landline - 1 (860) 537-3808 DURING BUSINESS HOURS to leave a voice message or speak to someone. If you hear heavy breathing on the phone, do not get concerned… It’s just one of the dogs playing games with you. (Ask to speak with a human)
THE DOGS AT THE RESCUE HAVE PULLED TOGETHER AND CONTRIBUTED THE NEXT SET OF INFORMATION. BE PREPARED FOR ANYTHING… YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. … (if you are a bit sensitive, easily insulted or just with no sense of humor..at all… well you may want to skip this part. (Says the Mutt Queen Lacey) We do not take any responsibility for the following communications from the dogs. Their sarcasm and sense of humor outweigh mine by 10 fold.
**We can only hold your items for 2 weeks. (We are a small warehouse, not a mall). We already offer multiple, flexible days and times to get your… stuff… no need to push your luck with ignoring these boring instructions. After 2 weeks if we do not hear from you, we start … THE WOOD CHIPPER! Weeeeee. This is the season for bonfires… You can bring the marshmallows, we got the wieners… woof. (I like any type of dog treats... just barking)
**We do not schedule same day pick-ups. We realize this should be self explanitory but we find ourselves repeating this simple request daily to those who can’t or don’t read… sigh.
call or text 24 to 48 hours after auction closes AND SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT for a future date. We will get back to you to verify if that is a good day or if our humans are pampering us.. always assume we are being pampered and spoiled.. we have them well trained. (5-10 HOURS IS NOT FUTURE ENOUGH FOR A PICK UP NOTIFICATION). We realize as dogs humans believe we don’t have a great sense of timing but that’s a right out furry faced lie, the real reason is the humans are slow at pulling and shipping orders. You are just not as important to them as us dogs… besides, we are in charge… and cuter. Our rescue brothers and sisters are very demanding and the humans honestly need some time to get the orders together. We help where we can but we don’t have thumbs. (teeth leave marks)
We understand that sometimes there’s reasons that you need to pick up on the same day… We apologize for the inconvenience. We dogs may be persuaded into an early pick up however it will cost you a large bag of bones, healthy snacks, dog food for 8 bottomless tummies and walking time around the block…a lot of time… seriously a lot…(don't forget the poop bags)
- [ ] Bring the appropriate size vehicle. This is very important. Think of it like the warning label you read on a box. It seems so silly to mention this but as per the reason of those labels, it means someone has tried this. Folks, a grand piano does not fit in a VW bug …(even through the wood chipper)
- [ ] We are dogs not pack animals… however Kodi and Axel are big dogs and could move large objects, just not yours. So, bring your help. The humans will help if not busy pampering us..
15 Broadway st. Suite 2 Colchester Ct. 06415.
BACK SIDE OF THE BUILDING, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SHOPPING CENTER (this is large print only because people call, lost, only every day…. Sigh).
Just call when you get close, we will tell you where to bark... err park. Again, By appointment only. You MUST make an appointment… and, when you show up, please text or call us and we will come out. Look for a light blue door and a short bus! Relax, it’s not your ride… well, maybe.. no. We put the humans in there when they are acting up.
If your address shows a far off land in another galaxy and you have signed up stating you want shipping then nothing more needs to be done. We dogs are experts and extracting the charges for shipping. We do apologize if some of our glitter makes it onto the tape when packaging. Consider yourself lucky you have gotten such a wonderful gift.
We can ship anything anywhere. Worldwide or Mars, Jupiter, ….Uranus… (that was all Kodi’s saying, he's a bit of a smarty barky butt…)
1. *Verify the shipping information you provided to Auction Ninja is updated and correct.
2. Billing information … updated and correct. (Shipping and handling cost will be charged to the card on file with Auction Ninja) please make sure the proper funds are on your card to make this happen. If all this is correct we do not need to hold you up….we will charge the card on file for an exuberant amount and blame it on the humans)
3. We ship once every 10 to 12 business days. 15 - 20 days if you don’t like dogs… just sayin.
At this time a $5 handling fee will be charged for all shipping orders. It’s not per item or lot won… a 1 time $5 handling fee regardless of the shipment. and again… on occasion our coat glitter may be included in the package… it’s free.. no thanks needed.
The Queen Lacey of the mutts has spoken! Long live the queen!
(Queen B. to her family and friends.. said with emphasis from her enemies)
***We have 2 auction companies.
Lacey’s Place and Kodi’s Korner.
If you search on Auction Ninja for Laceys Place and Kodis Korner you will find us. Constant auctions running weekly.
We are a dog (animal) rescue. Small but with great ambitions to help the neglected, abused and abandoned dogs and animals, especially the ones with computer skills).
Some will be trained as service or support companions for our disabled vets.
We raise money through auctions to support the dog rescue and greatly appreciate your generosity.
Thank You.