kodi's korner animal rescue
15 Broadway St Colchester Connecticut 06415
Pick up: By Appointment Only
All items can be shipped or picked up at our Colchester location by appointment. Please verify your shipping address is correct on the auction Ninja payment invoice. Shipping is deducted through the card on file with AN. Any items on the previous Christmas auction or other recent auction that you have won will be combined to ship with these auction winnings.
If picking up please set an appointment.
Diane 860-917-3276. Feel free to leave a text after hours or call regular hours but you must speak to one of us to schedule an appointment. No texting times or dates and no same day appointments.
*I realize this may fall on deaf (or daft) ears but, our shipping is not fast. Far from it. However we are safe, reliable and inexpensive. We charge a $5 handling fee for the entire lot shipped. We ship on average 10-14 business days from close of auction. Be patient. We are a dog rescue first and do our best to get your items to you quickly (right after the dogs get their meals) ...