About the Sale
This auction contains a little bit of something for everyone from a Yamaha sound system to tires, rims, sunglasses, jewelry, tools, and so much more!
Special Instructions
Winning bidders will receive the address via email - Please let us know if you do not receive this. Make sure that you have selected in your DASHBOARD to receive auction win emails via email ...view moreor text.- Auction win emails and invoices can also be accessed via your DASHBOARD after the auction closes.
Winning bidders must bring help if required for large/ heavy items & proper packaging materials if needed for pickup.
Bidders are strongly encouraged to ask any questions prior to bidding.
Please do all research necessary on your item prior to bidding to assure it is what you want. Your bid is your binding contract. Please look at all photos closely, for the photographs tell the story of the item. Everything, if not listed as new, is from an estate, therefore, not new.
Please give us a call if you have any questions prior to bidding by calling (860) 997-3332.
The pickup will be at a private residence in Torrington, Connecticut on February 27th, 2022 (Sunday) from 11am-3pm. Though, if that date and time frame do not work for you, please call (860) 997-3332 to make an appointment to pick up your item(s). After February 27th, 2022, any item not picked up will be considered forfeited without refund, credit, or exchange.
Curbside delivery is also available and the charge is $3 per mile (plus tolls, if applicable). New York City & New Jersey deliveries are an additional $30.
COVID-19 Protocol:
• Masks are recommended at pickup.
• Please bring your own pen for signing or bring a signed invoice.
• At pickup, social distancing of at least 6 feet is recommended.
• If you are feeling sick or have traveled recently, please do not come in person to pick up your items. Instead, ask a family member or friend to pick
the item(s) up for you.
Statements regarding the condition of items is only an opinion and should not be treated as fact. While we do our best to list any damage, repairs, or restorations, the absence of these descriptions or conditions must not be taken to imply that the lot is in perfect condition. Most of the items that we sell are typically antique, vintage, or used. You should expect signs of wear consistent with age.
All lots are sold “AS IS”.
All sales are FINAL.
No returns, credits, or exchanges.
Please contact us at (860) 997-3332 with any questions prior to bidding.
Please inspect all photos carefully before bidding.
Thank you for your interest and good luck bidding.