Due to an error on my part, I thought that I had not received cards related to a 44&More auction that I had won. I contacted Dale at 44&More who responded to me quickly. Within a short period of time, Dale produced all of the shipping and delivery information as well as confirmations indicating that the cards had in fact been delivered to my home.
Figuring out what happened took me a while.
The long story made shorter is that I had bought cards at a 44&More auction AND the same cards from other sellers recently as part of bigger orders from the other sellers. I recorded that I received the 44&More cards, but incorrectly noted in my records that I had received them from the other sellers, not from 44&More. Therefore, my records indicated that both the other sellers and 44&More had incomplete orders outstanding, which was not correct. 44&More had in fact sent me the cards on a timely basis.
I'd like to send out a big apology to Dale, as well as a big thank you for his time and professionalism researching and responding to this issue.