This form of Dao appears to be with the Kachin/Khamti-type which have flared pommels. The blade is also pattern welded in the manner of many Tibetan sword blades. The Naga and Kachin were the most feared of the head-hunting tribes. The Naga had limited access to steel and therefore their blades were crude compared to the Kachin. The Kachin state lies between India and China.
Folded steel blade, ripple pattern. Brass and wood handle reinforced, terra cotta color. The blade is heavy forged in the traditional form. Retains rattan wrap. 26" Qing Dynasty began in 1644 and ended in 1912. A 19th century provisional governor would travel with his own executioner. Cutting edge is reinforced with folded nickel and iron for strength and cutting edged. beautiful though disturbing look.
The tip would sometimes be pierced for a red streamer which would provide a flash of color on the fatal downstroke. Small iron quatrefoil guard to position the hand and prevent slipping onto the blade, but of no defensive function. Two hand hilt with ring pommel wrapped in a split rattan. These were sometimes further wrapped in red cloth with the end as streamers. Boxer executioners visited villages, with the red streamers of their swords raised on the back, ferreting out foreigners, Christians, and those perceived too sympathetic to them, who were rounded up and decapitated for all to see. The very volume of their work dictated that they must act quickly and move on leaving carnage and a message in blood. An estimated 32,000 Chinese Christians and 200 foreign missionaries were executed. An estimated 100,000-300,000 Boxers were eventually defeated by 150,000 Chinese and European forces.
All weapons in this collection have been thoroughly examined and researched to the best of our abilities. The majority are of the period, dynasties or reign, are used by the tribes or cultures and rarely for the commercial trade. If created for the tourist trade it will be clearly stated and in most cases obvious in terms of craftsmanship. This is a rare lifetime collection and pieces of this quality and amount are almost never found in one auction. These are not fakes or reproductions, except for the few decorative pieces which were most likely given as gifts to the original collector.
Please feel free to ask any question before bidding.
Notes: See pictures and notes.
$600 - $1,000
Good Condition with normal wear and tear
Militaria, Swords, Blades & Antique Firearms
Private Residence
New Milford, Connecticut 06776
(Winning Bidders Will Be Given Full Address VIA EMAIL)
Friday, 3/7 through Sunday, 3/9, 10:30 am to 2:30 pm
items have been transferred to store front to extend preview and pick up times for this auction.
Shipping is available
It costs $12.00 per package plus postage please note there may be extra shipping fees associated with over sized items.
Shipping is available - $12.00 per package for small knives or single sword items plus postage. If you win numerous items and require shipping, please contact auction manager about the arrangements
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UPS STORE / Other Carrier (Shipping), client arranged shipping -.please arrange with auction manager if you wish to use fed X or UPS shipping. Please be prepared to email, your label to my email so that I may down load it and place on your package, to ship item/s out
Jo Ellen Garzione | (860) 248-5052 |
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